Jumat, 15 April 2011

Facing Problems

I know that no one else in this world who would refuse if he was born without problems and always be happy without a little sadness. But is that possible? Even they, you and I am even willing to pay a few dollars even if if there are people who can make us born in this world and live in this world without any problems and sadness at all. Always happy and even cheerful. I have this little story of inspiration, which I quoted from a book I should deserve to write here. This book title is “If you think you can, you can surely carry out and achieve what you want”. Let’s look at excerpts from the stories this book together ..

“Dude Norman,” my friend said hello. “Please release me from the crushing problems of this life, then I’ll give you a thousand dollars in cash for the good of your service.” Of course I am not one who liked to slap down such a request. ” So I ponder and consider the suggestion of my friend’s and came up with a decent solution as well. At least a realistic character. But George seems a bit reluctant, apparently, because he had already promised in 1000 dollars as a gift ..

“Not what george,” Norman said. “I still want to help you. Therefore let us together solve the problem. If no one you want to be free from all your problems, right? Until exhausted and thoroughly? ..

“Yeah right,” said George. “I want to get rid of all the problems I face in life. I’m tired and sour in the face of temptations, trials and turmoil in life. I want to be free for ever. “ ..

“Well George, I’ve got the answer”, said norman. But I doubt whether you will accept my answer or not. Listen! Some time ago I was doing my professional duties, which I have to deal with the leader of a group of people who are more than tens of thousands of them. And none of them have problems of life. “ ..

George’s face immediately brightened, her eyes shining joy desires of curiosity. “Well that’s a good place for me. Antarkanlah my friends to that place. ” George said the jubilant ..

“Well,” replied the norman. “But the place I was referring to the graveyard.” ..

“And that was in fact George. That the burial ground was nobody who face problems in life. For people who have become residents in the cemetery will never feel anxious because life is full of problems that have been passed to them. They have a break from duty and his job every day. They do not care what we read in newspapers or newspapers or even what we see on television they do not care. They have no more problems with life, they turned the problem on their life in the grave. For though they are not alive and they are people who have died. “Decisive to George Norman ..

Quoted from the Book When You Can think You Can Surely you must undertake and can be Achieved What You Want ..

From the story above it’s obvious how that is logical that the difficulties faced by humans it is addresses from life. The logic is that for those of you that the more problems you are facing in this life then the more knowledgeable you also the opportunity to live that is open for you. Someone such as the thorny issues facing 10 would seem more alive than the one that being apathetic and having only five issues ..


The problem is not the reason we are to avoid it, but with the problems we become more mature and more open to face life.

Becoming Saviour For Ourselves ..

When we started running a design life. Sometimes there are things that are not possible and beyond our knowledge. All out of control, perhaps even beyond our power. And at this time that we will feel a condition called down zone, where the zone is formed from a condition which we are not expecting. The question is whether we will do when subjected to down zone? Dirikah silence? Merenungkah? Waiting for the miracle to come by itself? Rah-rah-down zone as he tried to forget? Or tell people around us about the suffering that we experience? ..

Actually, at a time when we experience the down zone no one can change the zone to be normal again, except ourselves. Of course, with the help of The Great One, the owner and the grappling world. The question Have we become saviors for ourselves? ..

It’s real to us in any circumstances be able to save ourselves. By not trapped in a soluble state named the feeling, in fact we can save ourselves as a downtime zones. Only the issue of whether we want to help themselves? Rather than want to maintain a sense of who is in the soul, we are trying to raise the region down our zone, in the final stages. It’s a dilemma there, because we cover all of the solution by maintaining a statement of feelings. Yet if our minds are willing to compromise with our feelings, down zone area could be diminished, perhaps even disappear. But because we are complacent with the name sense, everything seems to be a fairness that do not need to worry. Though this is a seriousness that we should look at when we go through life. Just imagine if the area continues to grow down zone, then it is certainly an improvement apathy will grow larger. And when it’s this way, it could be a will feel that life is not worth even a void, which ultimately makes the person committed suicide ..

Truly this is a serious problem when we go through life. Of this writing, I would like to invite buddies readers to see more in what sense and why we are conditioned by a sense? Are we not being perfect? So why we can not control what should be controlled? Do not we have reason to look at all the issues for consideration? Do not we have an informed conscience, the best thing for us? Are not we can be a savior for ourselves? ..

Your Future In Your Hand ..

The future is full of mystery, so for those who know it call it a prophecy. Even so forecasters sometimes right and sometimes wrong. But your fate depends on what you are doing today is not to forecasters. What have you done in the past will result in the future ..

That is the formula of life ..

Yes! The best forecaster is yourself, you can know whether tomorrow will be successful or not. If you start something now, the fate of the future will solve them. FAILED when you feel this, because in the past you do not start anything, or have not even changed ..

A wise proverb says: Who is he going to get planted rice paddy, Who plant the success he will have SUCCESS ..

So I was taught to read your fortune in the future. Check it out and look in the mirror, Who do you now …. if still lazy certainly do not expect to forecast your future bright. Different if you really like what is being dilakuukan this time, then half the success already in hand. Just waiting for fate to give success ..

So now announcing how your predictions in the future. If successful then stay continue and are just waiting for it, if it fails then there are two options, CONTINUE or REFORM ..

To make your changes, you yourself have to make predictions about what will become of me after about five years ahead, With so every second that your dream is to move forward, could become a weapon for MOTIVATING A GREAT INCREDIBLE brain and your heart was moved forward to success ..

Because all men are destined to have good fortune! If they want it ..

And if you want to have forecast the future of the GREAT and AMAZING. Was changed from right now, because whatever you are doing today … will be your fate in the Future.

Senin, 11 April 2011

.. Untuk Renungan Para Orang Tua ..

.. .. .. kegagalan pola asuh yang secara turun-temurun diterapkan tanpa penyesuaian zaman dan diperoleh dari generasi kakek-nenek bahkan nenek moyang. Banyak orang tua yang masih menerapkan pola asuh yang diadaptasi dari orang tua mereka dulu secara total atau 100% sama tanpa modifikasi atau adaptasi apapun.

Dengan perkataan lain, pola asuh yang diterapkan orang tua pada anak adalah cerminan pola asuh yang diterima oleh mereka dari oarng tua (kakek-nenek) terdahulu, dimana kekurangan/kelemahan metode pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh kakek-nenek dahulu tidak dipebaiki, namun justru diperparah dengan kondisi orang tua sekarang yang cenderung terjebak dalam berbagai fenomena kehidupan yang lebih berorientasi pada dunia pekerjaan, bukan keluarga. Misalnya : fenomena "orang tua bekerja", fenomena "mbak pengasuh sebagai teman anak", fenomena "anak semakin kritis, sementara orang tua tidak kreatif", fenomena "pemahaman komunikasi orang tua yang dangkal", serta fenomena "memanjakan anak sebagai kompensasi dari rasa bersalah orang tua bekerja".

Dengan demikian terciptalah kombinasi antara pola asuh konservatif yang cenderung otoriter, tidak empatis, kurang komunikatif, dengan pola asuh permisif tidak logis, irasional, dan berlebihan dalam mencurahkan "kasih sayang". Kombinasi ini muncul dalam sikap pengasuhan orang tua yang pada satu sisi menuntut kepatuhan tanpa disertai rasionalisasi dan cenderung memaksakan kehendak pada anak, sementara disisi lain orang tua membiarkan anak memiliki kebebasan tanpa adanya disiplin sama sekali. ( Hurlock, 1992 )

Tentunya semua itu menjadi bentuk pola asuh yang tidak konsisten dan sangat tidak kondusif .. .. ..

** disadur dari hal. x - xi sebagai Kata Pengantar dari Tika Bisono, MPsiT, Psi. untuk buku Karya Novita Tandry dengan judul .. "Bad Behaviour, Tantrums, and Tempers".

Do What You Fear

Anda punya rasa takut akan hal-hal tertentu? Setiap orang punya beberapa ketakutan yang bisa mengganggu kegiatan. Misalnya salah satunya adalah rasa takut terhadap patung, boneka, dan sejenisnya. Hal ini kerap menimbulkan kerepotan saat kita harus menginap di kamar hotel yang kebetulan dipenuhi patung-patung dan ornamen lain. Tanpa alasan yang jelas, kita sangat tidak nyaman harus berada dalam satu ruangan dengan bentuk-bentuk menyerupai manusia atau binatang. Pihak hotel terpaksa direpotkan untuk mencari kamar pengganti. Atas nama ketakutan, kita memaksakan kehendak pribadi yang absurd dan tidak santun.

Dalam bentuk berbeda-beda ketakutan ada dalam diri setiap orang. Paling sering dijumpai adalah takut gagal, miskin dan mati. Sudah tidak terhitung jumlah orang yang bertanya apakah passionbisa memberi garansi keberhasilan karier dan hidup. Seolah passion adalah kartu garansi pembelian barang elektronik. Kata-kata "wajar" , "normal" dan "aman" dipercaya mempunyai nilai lebih terhormat dibandingkan "gagal" , "eksperimen" , dan "coba lagi". Seolah kehidupan itu sendiri adalah risiko terbesar yang harus dijalani. Bagaimana dengan Anda?

Fear just can't be trusted. Ketakutan bisa sangat meyakinkan sehingga segala hal yang seharusnya mudah bisa jadi sangat sulit atau bahkan tidak mungkin. Apakah khawatir bangkrut = jangan pernah jadi entrepreneur? Apakah risiko pesawat jatuh = jangan pernah naik pesawat? Apakah ketakutan dimarahi Boss = katakan dan lakukan segala hal yang membuatnya senang?

There has to be God. All of this did not just happen. faith must be believing what you know just can't be. Kekhawatiran, kecemasan, dan ketakutan akan terus ada dalam kehidupan, tetapi bukan berarti hidup harus didominasi olehnya. Keyakinan akan keberadaan Allah SWT bisa memudahkan menerima hal-hal terburuk sekalipun. Kepercayaan akan adanya hidup setelah kehidupan adalah awal munculnya keberanian dari ketakutan, dan harapan dari keputus-asaan. (baca juga buku : Postcards From Heaven by @onlyricky)

Why do we choose to live in fear? We are part of God's plan called life. Why worry? Perlu keberanian untuk melihat rasa takut, cemas dan khawatir sekedar sebagai buah pikiran resah. Sebagaimana dikatakan, "make mistakes and learn from them". Ternyata 90 persen dari kekhawatiran tidak akan terjadi dan 10 persen di luar kendali kita, kenapa harus takut? Taklukkan rasa takut dengan melakukan segala hal yang Anda takutkan selama ini.

Everybody needs stability = the only sources of stability in life are family & God. Sumber kestabilan sebagai penyeimbang hidup dari rasa takut adalah keluarga dan Allah SWT. Miliki keduanya. (baca juga buku : Sekotak Coklat by @hchannacarol).

Caeli enarrant gloriam dei.

Dari Harian Kompas oleh Rene Suhardono, Penulis Buku "Your Job is NOT Your Career".

Dua ..

Kita lahir dengan dua mata di depan wajah kita, kerana kita tidak boleh selalu melihat ke belakang. Tapi pandanglah semua itu ke depan, pandanglah masa depan kita.

Kita dilahirkan dengan 2 buah telinga di kanan dan di kiri, supaya kita dapat mendengarkan semuanya dari dua buah sisi. Untuk berupaya mengumpulkan pujian dan kritikan dan memilih mana yang benar dan mana yang salah.

Kita lahir dengan otak di dalam tengkorak kepala kita. Sehingga tidak peduli semiskin mana pun kita, kita tetap kaya. Kerana tidak akan ada seorang pun yang dapat mencuri otak kita, fikiran kita dan idea kita. Dan apa yang anda fikirkan dalam otak anda jauh lebih berharga daripada emas dan perhiasan.

Kita lahir dengan 2 mata dan 2 telinga, tapi kita hanya diberi 1 buah mulut. Kerana mulut adalah senjata yang sangat tajam, mulut bisa menyakiti, bisa membunuh, bisa menggoda, dan banyak hal lainnya yang tidak menyenangkan. Sehingga ingatlah bicara sesedikit mungkin tapi lihat dan dengarlah sebanyak-banyaknya.

Kita lahir hanya dengan 1 hati jauh di dalam diri kita. Mengingatkan kita pada penghargaan dan pemberian cinta diharapkan berasal dari hati kita yang paling dalam. Belajar untuk mencintai dan menikmati betapa kita dicintai tapi jangan pernah mengharapkan orang lain untuk mencintai kita seperti kita mencintai dia.

Berilah cinta tanpa meminta balasan dan kita akan menemui cinta yang jauh lebih indah.

The World Its Mine